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Even if you have failed before....... 


Don't Give Up!!!!!!


If you are 20% over your ideal weight, the fat cells in your abdomen will conspire against you by lowering your ability to metabolize carbohydrates, break down fat and They Make You Hungry!!!


When blood sugar fluctuates, your metabolism slows down, which causes you to gain more weight, feel exhausted and possibly depressed. All of this is science, our goals are to use all the newest concepts in the field of non surgical weight loss (bariatric medicine) to achieve your goal weight. No program is a one size fits all.

Come in for a consultation and let's find out if there are any medical conditions or medications contributing to your weight gain. You will use our Body Composition Analysis Scale to determine how many calories your body uses in 24 hours, your BMR, your fat percentage, water percentage and your muscle mass. We will help to design a very specific eating plan custom tailored to your lifestyle. Counsel you on all aspects of nutrition, metabolism and give you metabolism boosting vitamins to help you lose the right kind of weight.

If you are interested in a consultation and speaking to the physician about varying medical weight loss programs here at  B a l a n c e  Medical Weight Loss clinic, which includes diets, best practices, prescription weight loss or techniques -


Please Contact us to schedule your consultation. 

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